Friday, February 20, 2009

Anika's Allergic to DC

I've been having health problems. First I had acid reflux for about 3 weeks. I went to the doctor who prescribed Nexium. She also said she'd test me for a bacteria called H-Pylori. If I tested positive, that would explain the acid reflux, and I could take antibiotics and get over it. When I came back 2 weeks later for my test results, the doctor told me I was anemic. I asked her about H-Pylori. She was like "huh? Oh, I guess we ordered a test for that didn't we? Well I don't have the results here. Maybe they got lost. I'll look into it and give you a call." Of course she didn't. When I called her back, she didn't seem to know what I was talking about. Finally I talked to her today and she said that the test never happened, and that I'll have to come back in to get tested again (but not til Mar 10).

Meanwhile, I'm trying to up my iron by planning out my meals and eating very iron-y snacks. Oh and avoiding certain things because I have high triglycerides. But I got really sick last weekend. I left work on Friday morning with a plastic bag on the Metro in case of upheaval. I came home, threw up, and proceeded to not eat for 3 days. My crowning glory was Saturday when I woke up for an hour and then went back to bed until 5 PM. When I woke up, I watched TV for 7 hours. My stomach hurt when I sat up or stood. I was able to keep food down (crackers, Sprite), but I didn't feel like eating much. On Monday, I finally felt better. Then last night (Thursday), I started feeling terrible again. I stayed up late, running to the bathroom a few times, but I never threw up. WHAT IS UP WITH MY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM?!? I hate this.