Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Let's see if this works!

This is my first blogging enterprise, so it might not be pretty. I set up this blog in order to update everyone of my BVS adventures (and beyond?). If you prefer an email update, let me know, and I can have blogger send you updates every time I post.

Here's what I know so far about my adventures: I'm in the Fall unit of Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS). Orientation starts Sept 21 in New Windsor, Maryland, and runs for 3 weeks. During that time, we will make food together, play together, listen to speakers and contribute ideas, do service projects, and discern with BVS staff our volunteer placement. I have requested to go to Latin America, but expect to have a domestic placement for up to 1 year first. BVS is in transition to a new Latin America director, and the process means a delay in placements. Once (fingers crossed) I go to Latin America, I will be there for two years. So I'm planning for up to 3 years.

After orientation, I will go to my volunteer site, which could be anywhere and anything in the USA. That means I have to pack for cold, hot, business, casual, manual labor. I'm interested in lots of projects - working with an organic pesticide agency in San Francisco; lobbying for a peace tax in DC; reconciliation in Rochester, NY; working with people who are terminally ill in Texas. The volunteer site is responsible for finding me housing (I think). I could be living with roommates, a host family, on my own, etc. There are many unknowns right now! I'll post as soon as I know more and have access to the internet.

(Here's a favorite picture of my family that I'm bringing along on service. I thought I'd post it for practice.)


David said...

Yay! I can't wait to find out where we get go to visit you. :)

Olivia said...

Aw, a picture of the family! Also, your orientation is in Sept not Oct, right? Good job making a blog!

jyoder said...

yay! I'm so happy you're keeping a blog so I can keep up with your adventures.

Anika said...

Oh, you're right! The orientation is in September. I better change that...