Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm a Domestic Goddess

I'm not sure if that's something I should brag about or not... Even so, I am proud that in the last 72 hours I have: cleared 1/3 of our overgrown garden, planted garlic, washed 3 loads of laundry, vacuumed and mopped 3 floors and two staircases, baked bread twice, made granola, made dinner for the house (shells stuffed with eggplant & ricotta, with tomato cream sauce, fresh/warm bread, fresh hummus with baked garlic, pesto [that I made last week]), prepared signs and displays for today's groundbreaking ceremony at work, stood outside in the cold and wind for 3 hours greeting guests (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/28/AR2008102801974.html), and... I think that's it. Now, some of this is explainable, but some of it's just outright madness. The vacuuming and mopping were my chore for this week. And it was my turn to make dinner for the house tonight. I didn't need to bake bread and make hummus for them, but I was inspired. Or at least I was until I had to clean it all up. It took prep work last night, waking up early to make dough this morning, getting off early, cooking for 3.5 hours, and cleaning up for 2 hours. That all said, it was really good, and I made some friends with my housemates. But I'm never doing that again. I'd better slow down before I hurt myself. I'm going to bed - right now.


Olivia said...

Whoa! Ok, my productivity is nothing compared to that!

jyoder said...

how did the hummus turn out? Is this a recipe you will use again?

Anika said...

Good question... I've heard that it needs to sit for awhile to get its true taste. But I forgot and I froze all of it (I had enough leftovers to last me for awhile with the eggplant). I didn't use a recipe, but I felt inept at tasting, because I'm not as familiar with chick pea & tahini taste. So I want to make it with a mentor next time. A woman at work has offered. :)