Thursday, October 22, 2009

Life After BVS

Ah, I'm a terrible blog-updater!! If anyone still checks this blog anymore, this is for you. My year in BVS finished on October 9th. I am sad not to see my co-workers every day, but totally pumped about having my days free. The first week was spent in recovery. The next week I was kind of in limbo, waiting.

See, there's a job I really want in Warrenton, VA. It involves gardening and coordinating. It seems like it'd be a great combination of office and farm, plus I would live on the campus of this gorgeous conference center... but I'll tell you more about that if and when I get the job there. The guy who's trying to hire me, Pablo, has to get the permission of the head of the conference center. She was out of town for a week or so, visiting a sick friend, and no one knew when she was coming back. She's back now, and Pablo asked her, and she said no. So I was really upset, but then Pablo said that he'll be making a "final plea" next Tuesday. So, again, I'm waiting.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and I'm trying to look for other jobs, but I'm just not motivated because I really want this one. Still, there seems to to be plenty to do each day. Looking for jobs could be a full time job. I'm trying to go through piles of things in my room (if it's in a pile, it means I didn't want to do it, so going through piles is like pulling teeth). I went thrift-store shopping for winter farm clothes. There's laundry to do and cooking...

One thing I guess I'll need when I get a farm job is a car. I will want to be traveling back to DC on the weekends. Please keep your eyes out for a good deal. I am willing to buy a car under $5000. I would like it to be cheap, but able for me to put some miles on it. Something with good gas milage would be good too! I want to ask family and friends first, because I'd also be happy to borrow a car for a year and give it back. Sometimes circumstances work out for that to happen. Let me know if you have a lead! (I'm willing to travel to get the car.)

1 comment:

Olivia said...

We bought our car from a really guy in Lancaster. The website is cheesy but the guy is honest and good at finding deals: